
Family Crisis: Diagnostics and Treatment

Each of us can feel when the relationship is still warm or is getting colder. When something is wrong, our inner ‘thermometer’ is tending to zero or worth – to minus. Your relationship may be living through a crisis.
The first crisis that usually occurs in all families is the ‘household’ one. Not every man can easily accept the new role of his beloved – a housewife in a dressing gown and slippers – after marriage. In the first year of marriage people usually unveil their true nature, revealing all their unpleasant habits.
 Your husband may have discovered something about you that made him colder. 
The 3- and 5-year crises are often connected with children. A woman may ignore her husband’s desire, being totally engaged in her mother’s role. If that’s the case, your man can get offended. To avoid this, pay more attention to him.
When the 7th year of marriage comes – and you’ve already learned everything about each other – it can provoke a ‘novelty crisis’. Use your fantasy and try bring something new to your relationship.
If you have an exemplary family, but your husband, having returned from work, is more interested in the latest news, than in your company, the reason may be called ‘age crisis’. The peak ages are 25 and 35. A 25-year old man, evaluating his life, tends to question, if a family is not a burden interfering with achieving his goals. The solution here lies in a mutual dialog. A
35-year old man, who has been married for a long time, may experience lack of new, colorful emotions. Such crisis can be cured by romantic trip or holiday get-away without children.

The most difficult crisis comes when your feelings get cold, or there is another woman in his life. Talk to him, try to preserve your love. Remember: emotional turn-down is usually followed by a raise. Avoid negative anticipation and dark thoughts.
More often than not, a man who has a successful career and beautiful wife and children is unsatisfied with himself. That’s a personal crisis, when a man cannot find the reasons for his own dissatisfaction and transfers it automatically on his spouse.
If you’re not accustomed to heart-to-heart talks, it’ll ne really difficult to help your husband. Personal crisis can be overcome, only when he is open for a dialogue and has total confidence in you. Do not try to push your husband. Just let him know that you’re ready to listen to him and help him anytime he needs. Your support and sympathy are crucial here.